About us
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Prayer Fire Global
We are called to teach people the power of living a life of prayer and worship. Igniting the altar of prayer in every believer of Christ. Equipping God’s people to walk in faith and freedom.
Besides our weekly Monday & Thursday virtual sessions, we also frequently host inperson sessions and prophetic pop ups.
We are on a mission to serve humanity and ignite lives for intimacy in God & intercession. We aim to reach and gather believers and unbelievers alike to awaken in prayer and worship unto God. Spaces where the founders and team empower people with the word of God and prayer, giving Holy Spirit room to shift people in the will of God.
FREEDOM - For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2Cor 3:17). Being vessels for God’s freedom to flow and creating spaces for God’s freedom to be experienced.
FIRE - For you will make your ministers as flames of fire (Heb 1:7) . We are ministers of fire, being purged by His fire and pondering the enemy with God’s fire.
Friendship - By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another (John 13:35). Declaring redemption through the sacrificial love of Christ.
Releasing the liberty of God, letting captives free and loving people through online and in-person prophetic teachings, prayer sessions and gatherings.
We are a apostolic and prophetic movement with aim to ignite prayer centres (hubs) globally. Holding prayer meetings with kingdom believers all around the world to bring heaven on earth. Gathering virtually on social platforms and in person sessions.

Meet the Founders

Davidson Utsaghan started the ‘Prayer fire Altar’ in 2017 as a virtual prayer ministry. It has since grown reaching thousands online through prayer, intercessions, mentoring and trainings. He is an Apostle living life sharing the gospel of the Kingdom of God. He is a leader and pioneer equipping and educating God’s people in their identity and authority.
Apostle Davisdon’s passion is to see the kingdom of God come in the earth and in the lives of people. A Assignment Coach helping pioneers align to their kingdom assignment through teachings and mentorship programs. Author of ‘Prayers that provoke God’s hand’ available on Amazon.
Sarah Utsaghan is Co-founder of Prayer Fire Global, a Prophet anointed to shift God’s people in fulfilling their God ordained purpose. Equipping believers on their kingdom mission and wellbeing. She is an author, Purpose Coach and Wellbeing Advocate. She is author of ‘Believe & Birth’ and Lady with Heart planner, available on Amazon.
Davidson & Sarah are a couple after God’s heart with a passion to see people make a difference whilst preaching the gospel to the lost. They have been serving the Lord Jesus and sharing the good news for over a decade within the community and local churches. They have worked in ministry collaboratively for over a decade, whilst leading Glory of Freedom Ministries.
They are happily married with 2 wonderful children.